Guava leaves good for Gastroenteritis, Inflammation of the Kidney, Vaginal problems and more

The popular Guava Tree belongs to the plant family Myrtaceae. It is considered to be a tropical and semitropical plant. It grows to a height of 7.5 metres with a trunk girth of about 30- 90 cm. When fully mature, the smooth, pinkish brown branches with grey patches take on a few peculiar crooked bends with heavy knots in them. The leaves are 10- 15 cm. long, oblong, and entire with lateral nerves. The white flowers found in the axils are 2.5- 3.5 cm. in diameter. The tree, found in the backyards of many houses, produces the well- known and edible fruits that are pear- shaped or round. They turn yellow when ripe and are rich in vitamin C and fibre.


* Gastroenteritis or inflammation of the stomach and intestine, uterine haemorrhage or heavy bleeding, chronic diarrhoea and oedema.
* Dysentery, inflammation of the kidney, and diarrhoea.
* Ulcers, vaginal and uterine problems, and cuts.
* Spasms, fever, worms, kdney problems, epilepsy, diabetes and cerebral affections.


* The leaves of the guava tree in decoction is recommended for GASTROENTERITIS, uterine haemorrhage, chronic diarrhoea and oedema.
* The young leaves and shoots are used in decoction for dysentery, inflammation of the kidney, and diarrhoea.
* The same decoction is good as a wash for ulcers,vaginal and uterine problems, and cuts.
* It has also been used for spasms, fever, worms, kidney problems, epilepsy, diabetes and cerebral affections.


The leaves.


To prepare the decoction use 30 to 60 grams for 1 litre of water. Use 4 to 5 cups a day.

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