Sensitive Plant known as Makahiya cure for Liver disease, Cancerous Ulcers, Scorpion sting and more

Sensitive Plant grows in the lowland tropics. It is a common diffused, spreading, prickly herb which grows everywhere in southern India. The stems are branched, with bristly hairs. The leaves are small leaflets on a stalk, and when touched they fold together. They are sensitive to the touch. The flower are numerous, long- stalked, pink, solitary, globose heads. The pods are small, curved and numerous.


* Liver disease, constipation, dysentery and kidney problems.
* For mouth and throat inflammations.
* Cancerous ulcers, skin diseases, and glandular swellings.
* In scorpion sting.
* Urinary complaints and as a purgative.
* Treatment for mumps.


* The infusion of the leaves is used for liver disease, constipation, dysentery and kidney problems.
* The decoction of the root takes care of urinary complaints and is a purgative. The infusion of the whole plant is used for mouth and throat inflammations.
* The seeds are used for sore throat and hoarseness.
* Externally used, the juice of the plant makes a good lotion to be applied over cancerous ulcers and skin diseases.
* The crushed leaves made into paste are applied topically on glandular swellings.
* Use cold compress on swollen glands for 30 minutes at least 3 times a day. Apply crushed paste of leaves after each cold compress session.
* The crushed leaf and stem is applied over the scorpion sting to reduce the pain and swelling.


The whole plant.


10 to 15 grams, for 1 litre of water. Use 3 to 4 cups a day.


In large quantity, the root is toxic.

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