Moringa Oleifera or known as Malunggay cure about 300,000 diseases amazingly!

Moringa Oleifera or Malunggay or Drumstick is a very popular tree that grows to over nine metres high. It has a soft white corky trunk and branches bearing a gummy bark. Each tripinnately compound leaf bears several small leaflets. The flowers are white and the three- winged seeds are scattered by the wind. Since the leaves are rich in iron, it is highly recommended for expectant mothers.


* Urinary problems.
* To reduce inflammation.
* Earaches.
* Dental caries.
* As a cardiac stimulant in asthma.
 * Cough.
* Scurvy.
* Wounds and eye diseases.
* Intermittent fevers, epilepsy, hysteria, palsy, chronic rheumatism, gout, dropsy, dyspepsia and enlargement of the liver.
* Paralysis.


* The bark of the root promotes the flow of urine.
* A hot decoction of the bark is used to foment inflamed parts.
* The juice of the root- bark is used in earaches.
* A few drops of the juice of the root- bark are placed in the cavity to relieve toothache.
* The bark of the stem is used as cardiac stimulant in asthma, cough and other respiratory disorders.
* The young leaves are cooked and eaten to fight scurvy.
* The poultice of the leaves is applied in wounds and swellings.
* The juice of the leaves, mixed with honey is used for the treatment of eye diseases.
* The fresh root of a young tree is good for intermittent fevers, epilepsy, hysteria, palsy, chronic rheumatism, gout, dropsy, dyspepsia and enlargement of liver and spleen.
* The paste of the root mixed with salt is applied to inflammatory swellings, rheumatic joints and paralytic parts.
* Decoction of the root is a useful gargle for hoarse throat.
* Tender pods are given for the liver and spleen problems, articular pain, tetanus and paralysis.
* Oil extracted from the seeds is locally applied for painful gout and rheumatic joints.


The whole plant.


For decoction and infusion:

Normal Dosage For:

Adults: 4 or 5 cups a day.
Aged 6 to 9 years: 2 cups a day
Aged 2 to 5 years: 1 cup a day
1 to 2 years: 1/2 cup a day
Below 1 year: 1/4 or less cup a day

A Useful Table for Quick Measurements:
1 tbsp = 5 grams (green herb)
1 dessertspoon = 2 grams (dry herb)
1 teaspoon = 25 drops
1 cup = 16 tbsp

1 litre = 7 or 8 cups

The juice of the root and other parts of the plant for external use, as needed.

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