The very popular Betel Leaf Plant is a sturdy climber which climbs with the aid of its numerous adventitious rootlets that are borne at the nodes. The plant belongs to the family Piperaceae. The slightly cordate leaves are 15-30 cm. long, and a little unequal at the base. The 7-nerved smooth leaves are thick, bright green and shiny on both sides. The fruits are sparingly produced on fleshy spikes. The betel leaf is linked to many cultural ceremonies in India. It is considered to be auspicious and is exchanged in social and religious ceremonies.
*Cough, bronchitis, breathing difficulty in children.
*Arthritis, orchitis, or inflammation of the testes and other types of local inflammations.

* To take care of cough, bronchitis, and breathing difficulty in children, smear a little mustard oil on the upper surface of a few betel leaves and warm them. Apply over the chest when bearably hot. Repeat a few times until the child feels better.
*To take care of minor wounds, wash the wounds with the juice of a couple of Betel leaves and wrap the wound with another leaf and bandage.
*For cases of arthritis, orchitis or inflammation of the testes, and other types of local inflammation, smear a little castor oil (Recinus communis) on the upper surface of a leaf and warm it. Apply the warm oiled surface onto the affected parts.
*To control filariasis, grind 7 to 10 leaves into a fine paste. Mix in one glass of hot water and drink.
*In case of boils, warm the leaf as in point 4 above and apply a little castor oil and bandage it.
*In case of burns, bandage the affected part with a paste of better leaf.
As recommended above
The gums, enamel of the teeth and the general health of the teeth are affected by the abuse of betel leaves. Frequent chewing with the leaves can cause a taste deficiency, thickening of the tongue, and even tumours. Those who suffer fro eye diseases, hypertension and tuberculosis are advice to avoid chewing betel leaf. Adding excessive tobacco to betel leaf before consuming may prove fatal.