The Country Gooseberry is an annual, herbaceous, upright plant that grows to a height of 15- 45 cm. and belongs to the plant family Solanaceae. It may be seen growing on the borders of cultivated fields and wastelands. The leaves are simple, 2.5- 6.3 cm. in length, alternately arranged on the stem, ovate with serrate margins. The matured plant may have fine hairs on them and the yellow, solitary flowers arise from the axils. The berry, which is 8 mm. in diameter, is enveloped in an enlarged loose calyx. The seeds are discoid or subreniform and orange- yellow in colour.
* Laxative.
* Expectorant or promoting the discharge of phlegm.
* Strangury or slow and painful discharge of urine.
* Splenomegaly or the abnormal enlargement of the spleen.
* Ulcers.
* Cough and bronchitis.
* The decoction of the thoroughly cleaned plant is taken to take care of all the conditions and ailments mentioned under Medicinal use.
The whole plant.
Normal Dosage For:
Adults: 4 or 5 cups a day.
Aged 6 to 9 years: 2 cups a day
Aged 2 to 5 years: 1 cup a day
1 to 2 years: 1/2 cup a day
Below 1 year: 1/4 or less cup a day
A Useful Table for Quick Measurements:
1 tbsp = 5 grams (green herb)
1 dessertspoon = 2 grams (dry herb)
1 teaspoon = 25 drops
1 cup = 16 tbsp
1 litre = 7 or 8 cups