The Camphor tree which has a place with the plant family Lauraceae, develops in subtropical nations, particularly in east Asia. The three-nerved leaves are 5-12.5 cm. long and 2.5-5 cm. wide. They are orchestrated on the other hand on the stem and have long petioles. The tree creates a dull, crystaline, translucent mass which is dissolvable in soul and has a particular smell. Camphor is gotten by going stem through the chipped wood. The distillate contains camphor which is isolated and resublimed, leaving the basic oil of camphor.
Therapeutic USE:
*Using against cold, chills and looseness of the bowels from colds.
*Work against fever and crazy protests.
*Gout and rheumatic torments.
*Neuralgia or agonizing nerves.
*General body aggravations, wounds and sprains.
The most effective method to USE:
*The gum of the tree is utilized to deal with every one of the diseases referenced under Medicinal use.
*The gum and hacked wood.
*Use the soul of camphor for which 5 to 20 drops of fundamental oil of camphor are blend with 1 liter
of water. Use remotely or as required.
*The inside use ought not be in expansive dosages for it can cause spewing, palpitation, and spasms.