Sweet Pepper or Capsicum is an erect, stretched, upstanding, smooth bush that has a place with the plant family Solanaceae. Sweet pepper which is currently accessible in splendid shades of red, yellow, violet, green and so on., is for the most part utilized in servings of mixed greens for taste and design. It is neither acidic nor hot. The leaves are exchange and decreasing at the two closures. The blooms are singular, ringer formed, and yellowish or white in shading. The natural product is empty, containing various little, level seeds. It changes in size, contingent upon the assortment. Being a decent stimulant, it is developed as a vegetable in patio nurseries.
Therapeutic USE:
*Skin purifier.
*Controls gas in stomach and digestive system.
*Sore throat, red fever, heartburn, yellow fever, looseness of the bowels, heaps and hypertension or high blood
*Lumbago or torment in the lower back, neuralgia or intense agony of a tactile nerve, and stiffness.
The most effective method to USE:
*The utilization of the uncooked natural products has great nutritive esteem.
*The juice of the natural product, together with carrot juice, is utilized as a skin purifier. For a decent impact, take 2
or then again 3 mugs per day..
|*For gases in stomach related tract, take 1/2 liter of capsicum juice, blended with spinach juice.
*The previously mentioned squeeze additionally helps in stomachaches. For this, take in portions of 1 cupful each 2
*The organic product is likewise utilized for sore throat, red fever, heartburn, yellow fever, looseness of the bowels, heaps and
hypertension or hypertension.
*The utilization of capsicum calms lumbago or torment in the lower back, neuralgia or intense
agony of a tactile nerve, and stiffness.
*The natural products.