
Kohlrabi is a sharp garden plant having a place with the family Brassicaceae or cruciferae. At the point when youthful it seems, by all accounts, to be fundamentally the same as the cabbage, however does not build up a head. It grows up to 1 foot high, having dim green leaves, smooth, and wax-like. The primary consumable piece of the kohlrabi develops at the base of the plant. It tends to be utilized crude in servings of mixed greens, or cooked like different vegetables.

Therapeutic utilize:

* Asthma and bronchitis.
* Liver illnesses, stones in bladder, gallstone, haemorrhoid, irritation of the colon, difficult
   monthly cycle and iron deficiency.
* Tonic for youngsters.
* Gastric ulcers, joint inflammation. Is a decent vermifuge.
* Hair development.
* Works against liquor abuse.
* Hoarse throat, hack, asthma, and bronchial issues.
* Chronic respiratory irritations and tuberculosis.
* Gout, ailment, joint inflammation, sciatica and neuralgia.
* Reduces torment in liver and kidneys and deals with duodenal ulcers.

Step by step instructions to utilize:

* Kohlrabi are prescribed for the individuals who experience the ill effects of asthma and bronchitis.
* It is utilized in liver illnesses, stones in the urinary and bother bladders, haemorrhoid, colitis,               difficult monthly cycle, and pallor.
* The juice of the leaves is a brilliant tonic, particularly to develop youngsters. It fixes gastric ulcers,
   what's more, joint pain and goes about as a decent vermifuge.
* The washing of the head with kohlrabi juice influences the hair to develop.
* The juice got from the stem is utilized against liquor addiction, taken in cupful portions.
* The decoction of the plant is an effective solution for dryness, hack, asthma, and bronchial
* Its adhesive in syrup is utilized in unending respiratory aggravation and tuberculosis.
* The bubbled leaves, connected topically as a poultice, are utilized against gout, ailment, joint pain,
   sciatica and neuralgia.
* It additionally lessens torments from the liver and the kidneys. The kohlrabi juice is utilized                 effectively in the treatment of duodenal ulcers, together with flax seed and cerebrum. The seeds are     a solid vermifuge, particularly for youngsters.

Parts utilized:

The entire plant.

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