
Dodonaea is an extremely durable bush with bountiful fanning and thus usually utilized as a garden support. It has a place with the plant family, Sapindaceae. The viscid, acrid and harsh leaves are subsessile or nearly with no petioles, basic, 3.8-10 cm. long, oblanceolate, smooth, gleaming and bald. The hanging blooms are greenish yellow, little and in axillary cymes. The cases are winged, membranous, 1.2-2 cm. long and the seeds are dark.

Therapeutic utilize:

* Aches and torments.
* Rheumatism and oedema.
* Wounds.
* Burns and singes.
* Fever.
* Stomach issue.

The most effective method to utilize:

* For general body a throbbing painfulness, the leaves of the bush are gathered, washed and bubbled.     This water is utilized for washing.
* To deal with stiffness and oedema, direct fomentations with a cushion containing the clears out
   that have been bubbled. Dunk the cushion each time in the bubbled water with the leaves and               utilize.
* The powdered leaves connected over an injury will mend without leaving scars.
* The powdered leaves are additionally connected over consumes and singes.
* The mixture of the leaves is accepted to fix stiffness and decrease fever.
* The mixture of the leaves and bark will deal with stomach issue.

Parts utilized:

The leaves and bark.

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