
The Mangosteen tree is around 6-9 meters in tallness and has a place with the plant family Guttiferae. The bark is smooth and the thick leaves are elliptic-elongated, 15-25 cm. long and have a sparkling green shading. The female blossoms, 5 cm. over, is single or matched at he terminal closures of the branches. The natural product is globular, about 7.5 cm. in width, and profound darker or blood red. The skin of the organic product is thick, rose pink inside, with 6-8 seeds encased in a white succulent consumable aril.

Restorative utilize:

* Loose bowels and looseness of the bowels.
* Issues related with the uro-genital tracts.
* Contamination of the mouth.
* Psychologists and dries the mucous layers.

The most effective method to utilize:

* The decoction of the skin and the bark of the tree is utilized as an astringent medication for the
   runs also, looseness of the bowels.
* The decoction of the bark and delicate leaves is utilized to deal with all issues related with uro-           genital tracts.
* The above decoction is likewise utilized as a wash for contamination or the mouth.
* A solid decoction of the bark and delicate leaves might be connected remotely to therapist and dry     the mucous films.

Parts utilized:

The bark, delicate leaves and skin of the organic product.

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