The regular Yam is all the more generally referred to for its utilization as a vegetable than for its restorative utilize. It is a climber having a place with the plant family Dioscoriaceae. The stem is intensely calculated or winged and the leaves, for the most part inverse, are 7.5-18 cm. long. The leaves are applaud or profoundly cordate and have 7-9 unmistakable veins. The containers are 2.5 cm. long and they are comprised of two half circle level projections. The seeds are with expanded extremities or wings all ground.
Therapeutic utilize:
* Anthelmintic.
* Leprosy.
* Piles.
* Gonorrhea.
Step by step instructions to utilize:
* For every one of the illnesses recorded under Medicinal utilize, the bubbled yam is cut into 3D shapes, bubbled and eaten.
In some cases it is bubbled for 20-30 minutes and the fluid is taken like a soup.
Parts utilized:
The yam.