Banyan Tree

The popular Banyan Tree belongs to the plant family Moraceae or Urticaceae. The tree grows to height of over 30 metres and can be easily identified by the many prop roots, sometimes called aerial roots, that it sends down into the soil from the heavy branches and the trunk. These roots give added support to the tree and also aid in absorption of nutrients and propagation of the tree. The leaves of the tree are large and oval, deep green above and pale green beneath, The bright red fruits are stalkless and grow in the axils of leaves. The fruit contain many tiny male and female flowers like those found in edible figs.

*Chapped heels.
*Boils and painful joints.
*Bleeding piles.
*Gum problems and pyorrhoea.
*Bad breath and oral ulcers.
*Pimples or acne.
*Skin diseases and venereal diseases.
*Bruises, haemorrhoids, swellimg, lumbago and rheumatism.

*Fill the chapped heels with the milky latex of the banyan tree.
*For boils, warm fresh banyan leaves after coating them with gingelly or olive oil and place them on
  boils to speed up the maturing process, thus making it convenient to drain out the pus. The same
  treatment is good for painful joints.
*For bleeding piles, a few drops of fresh latex from the tree is mixed with a glass of milk and taken
*For diabetes, soak overnight, 1 sq. inch of the bark of the tree in a glass of water and drink the
  infusion the next morning.
*For eczema, char the tender leaf-buds in hot ashes and dissolve the same in gingelly oil for
  application on the affected areas.
*For gums problems and pyorrhoea, chew crushed prop roots, hold in mouth for a while and then
  rinse the mouth with lukewarm water.
*Boil 1-3 sq. inches of the bark of the tree in 2 cups of water for 5-10 minutes. Cool and use this
  decoction for gargling. Repeat several times a day. This helps relieve bad breath and oral ulcers.
*For leucorrhoea, boil 1-3 tablespoons of the powdered dry baek of the fig tree (ficuscarica) and the
  banyan tree in 1-2 litres of  water till it is reduced to 1/2 litre. Strain and when lukewarm, douche
  the vagina. Repeat several times a day.
*For pimples or acne, make a fine paste of the prop roots and apply on the affected parts. Repeat as
*To cure skin diseases and venereal diseases, boil 3-5 tablespoon of the bark in 4-5 cups water till
  the volume is reduced to 1 cup. Add 1 teaspoon of honey and drink. Use 2 or 3 times a week.
*Apply the latex externally on the affected parts in cases of bruises, haemorrhoids, swellings,
  lumbago, and rheumatism.
*For rashes, apply a paste of the leaves on the affected areas.

*Stem bark. prop roots, leaves, and milky latex.

As recommended above.

Normal Dosage For:

Adults: 4 or 5 cups a day.
Aged 6 to 9 years: 2 cups a day
Aged 2 to 5 years: 1 cup a day
1 to 2 years: 1/2 cup a day
Below 1 year: 1/4 or less cup a day

A Useful Table for Quick Measurements:
1 tbsp = 5 grams (green herb)
1 dessertspoon = 2 grams (dry herb)
1 teaspoon = 25 drops
1 cup = 16 tbsp

1 litre = 7 or 8 cups

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