Coral Jasmine

The Coral Jasmine,also referred to as the Queen of the night,is a shrub or small tree with stiff whitish hairs all over. It belongs to the plant family Oleaceae or Nyctanthaceae. The leaves are opposite, 5-10 cm. long,ovate and with a rounded base. The flowers that are delightfully fragrant, bloom at night and are shed like tears during the day and hence the latin species name, arbor-tristis meaning "a sad tree". The petals of the flower are white with a ring with orange in its hollow neck and shaft. The 2 cm. long capsules are more or less round in outlines and compressed.

*Sciatica, which is characterized by shooting pain in the lower back, hips and thighs.
*Oedema or swellings owing to the accumulation of fluids in the body.
*Chronic fevers.
*Chest and throat congestion, cough and the accumulation of phlegm.
*Dandruff and scalp conditions.
*Intestinal worms.

*To control sciatica, boil 1 teaspoon of the leaves of Coral Jasmine in a glass of water over a gentle
  fire. Drink this decoction as needed.
*To take care of oedema, apply on the swellings the flower paste prepared by grinding a handful of
  the flowers with some water.
*To control chronic fevers, mix 1 teaspoon of the juice extractive by the leaves, with 1 teaspoon of
  good honey and take take the mixture with some warm water. Usi it till the fever subsides.
*To take care of chest and throat congestion, cough and the accumulation of phlegm, dry some bark
  collected from the plant, powder and store. Take a few pinches of this bark powder with a piece of
  Areca Nut (Areca catechu) and betel leaf (Piper betle). Use only as an herbal medicine. Avoid
  consuming this mixture as soon as the conditions listed above are under control.
*To control dandruff and other scalp conditions, apply the powdered seeds on the scalp. Leave for an
  hour and wash with soap nut fruits (Sapindus trifoliatus).
*To get rid of intestinal worms, mix one teaspoon of the juice extracted from the leaves with one
  teaspoon of honey and a pinch of common salt and use it till the worms are passed out of the

*Leaves, flowers, bark and seeds.

As recommended above.

Normal Dosage For:

Adults: 4 or 5 cups a day.
Aged 6 to 9 years: 2 cups a day
Aged 2 to 5 years: 1 cup a day
1 to 2 years: 1/2 cup a day
Below 1 year: 1/4 or less cup a day

A Useful Table for Quick Measurements:
1 tbsp = 5 grams (green herb)
1 dessertspoon = 2 grams (dry herb)
1 teaspoon = 25 drops
1 cup = 16 tbsp

1 litre = 7 or 8 cups

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