Golden Champa

The Golden Champa is a well-known, tall, handsome tree with a strait trunk and spreading branches, and belongs to the plant family Magnoliaceae. The leaves, 15-25 cm. long. are lanceolate, entire, smooth and hairless. The very fragrant, golden or yellow flowers are about 5-6.2 cm. in diameter and may be found solitarily  located in the axils and well protected by a deciduous and hairy bract. The capsules are 18 mm. in diameter, dark brown and opening from the back into two woody halves. The round, brown and shiny seeds may be 1-12 in number. The tree has been mentioned in many folk lores.

*Antitoxic agent, expels worms and promotes the flow of urine.
*Gives tone to the stomach, checks the over production of bile, cure leprosy, skin diseases and ulcers.
*Removes phlegm, good remedy for cough and rheumatism.
*Promotes menstrual flow and is good laxative.
*Stomach and intestinal cramps.
*Indigestion, nausea and fever,
*Vertigo or dizziness.
*Headache, eye infection and gout.
*Chapped feet.

*The decoction of the bark is an antitoxic agent, expels worms and promotes the flow of urine.
*The infusion of the flowers is used to give tone to the stomach, check the overproduction of bile,
  cure leprosy, skin diseases, ulcers, and remove phlegm. It is a good remedy for cough and
*The dried root and root-bark, mixed with curd, is useful as an application to abscesses, clearing
  away or maturing the inflammation.
*The dried root and root-bark in infusion promotes menstrual flow and is a good laxative.
*The juice of the leaves is given with honey in cases of stomach and intestinal cramps.
*The decoction of the flowers and fruits take cares of indigestion, nausea and fever.
*The flowers mixed with sesamum oil (sesamum indicum) are applied over the temples to take care
  of vertigo or dizziness.
*The perfumed oil prepared from the flowers is applied externally to take care of headache, eye
  infection and gout.
*To get rid of chopped feet, apply the crushed fruit and seeds overnight.

*The whole plant.

As recommended above.

Normal Dosage For:

Adults: 4 or 5 cups a day.
Aged 6 to 9 years: 2 cups a day
Aged 2 to 5 years: 1 cup a day
1 to 2 years: 1/2 cup a day
Below 1 year: 1/4 or less cup a day

A Useful Table for Quick Measurements:
1 tbsp = 5 grams (green herb)
1 dessertspoon = 2 grams (dry herb)
1 teaspoon = 25 drops
1 cup = 16 tbsp

1 litre = 7 or 8 cups

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