From old occasions the Fig tree has been utilized as a home solution for basic sicknesses. The shrubby, deciduous Fig tree has a place with the plant family Moraceae or Urticaceae and grows up to 7-8 meters high. The wood is very delicate and contains smooth latex. The cordate or palmate leaves are interchange, since quite a while ago petioled, and typically 3 to 5 lobed. The meaty inflorescence called fig, contains exceptionally small seeds. The ready consumable figs are commonly greenish-purple, dark or other comparative hues, contingent upon the assortment. Dry figs are exceedingly nutritive and contain press, copper, zinc, nutrients An and C and reversed sugar or an equimolecular blend of glucose and fructose.
Restorative utilize:
* Relieves aggravation, is purgative, filters the blood.
* Throat contamination, clears bronchi of mucous.
* Boils, gum bubbles, ulcers of the mouth, and as an expectorant.
* Bladder and kidney stones.
* Diabetes, spleen and liver issues.
* Removes spots on the face.
* Dandruff and warts.
* Sores and bubbles.
* Toothache.
* Arthritic swellings.
* Uterine drain, looseness of the bowels and diarrhea.
Step by step instructions to utilize:
* The utilization of ready figs mitigates irritation, go about as a purgative and sanitizes the blood.
* The decoction of the ready fig is a decent wash for aggravations of the throat. For colds, the equivalent decoction is utilized to clear and mitigate the bronchi of mucous.
* The simmered figs have been utilized over bubbles, gumboils and ulcers of the mouth. The dried figs are expectorant. Bite a couple of delicate leaves and leaf buds as often as possible and wash
the mouth with warm water.
* Fresh figs are suggested for the individuals who experience the ill effects of bladder or kidney stones. Bubble six figs in one teacup of water. Drink every day for a mouth.
* The above isn't suggested for diabetic and for the individuals who have spleen and liver issues.
* Soak dry figs medium-term and utilize the water as a wash for spots on the face.
* The previously mentioned water blended with a little vinegar and salt is suggested for dandruff and as a remedy for warts. The utilization of crisp latex is additionally a decent solution for warts.
* The juice of the leaves and stem is connected locally over bubbles and wounds.
* The latex of the tree is effectively utilized for toothache. it is brought into the cavity by drops.
* For joint swellings, apply the crisp latex (smooth substance) from the tree on the influenced territories.
* The mixture of the leaves together with plantain leaves is given for uterine drain, the runs
also, looseness of the bowels.
Parts utilized:
Stem, latex, leaves and natural product.