Banyan Tree

The prevalent Banyan Tree has a place with the plant family Moraceae or Urticaceaea. The tree develops to tallness of more than 30 meters and can be effectively distinguished by the many prop roots, some of the time called airborne roots, that it sends down into the dirt from the overwhelming branches and the storage compartment. These roots give added support to the tree and furthermore help in ingestion of supplements and engendering of the tree. The leaves of the tree are expansive and oval, dark green above and light green underneath. The brilliant red natural products are stalkless and develop in the axils of the clears out. The natural products contain numerous minor male and female blossoms like those found in consumable figs.

Therapeutic utilize:

* Chapped foot rear areas.
* Boils and agonizing joints.
* Bleeding heaps.
* Diabetes.
* Eczema.
* Gum issues and pyorrhoea.
* Bad breath and oral ulcers.
* Leucorrhoea.
* Pimples or skin break out.
* Skin maladies and venereal infections.
* Bruises, hemorrhoids, swellings, lumbago and ailment.

Instructions to utilize:

* Fill the dried out foot sole areas with the smooth latex of the banyan tree.
* For bubbles, warm crisp banyan leaves in the wake of covering them with gingelly or olive oil and     place them on bubbles to accelerate the developing procedure, consequently making it helpful to         deplete out the discharge. The equivalent treatment is useful for difficult joints.
* For draining heaps, a couple of drops of crisp latex from the tree is blended with a glass of drain         and taken day by day.
* For diabetes, douse medium-term, 1 sq. inch of the bark of the tree in a glass of water and drink the
   implantation the following morning.
* For skin inflammation, scorch the delicate leaf-buds in hot fiery debris and break down the                 equivalent in gingelly oil for application on the influenced zones.
* For gum issues and pyorrhoea, bite pounded prop roots, hold in mouth for some time and after that
   flush the mouth with tepid water.
* Boil 1-3 sq. crawls of the bark of the tree in some water for 5-10 minutes. Cool and utilize this
   decoction for rinsing. Rehash a few times each day. This calms awful breath and oral ulcers.
* For leucorrhoea, bubble 1-3 tablespoon of the powdered dry bark of the fig tree (Ficus carica) and       the banyan tree in 1-2 liters of water till it is decreased to 1/2 liter. Strain and when tepid, douche
   the vagina. Rehash a few times each day.
* For pimples or skin inflammation, make a fine glue of the prop roots and apply on the influenced       parts. Rehash as required.
* To fix skin infections and venereal illnesses, bubble 3-5 tablespoons of the bark in 4-5 containers         water till the volume is decreased to 1 glass. Include 1 teaspoon of nectar and drink. Utilize 2 or 3       times each week.
* Apply the latex remotely on the influenced parts in instances of wounds, hemorrhoids, swellings,
   lumbago, and ailment.
* For rashes, apply a glue of the leaves on the influenced territories.

Parts utilized:

Stem bark, prop roots, leaves, and smooth latex.

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