
The well known Strawberry plant has a place with the plant family Rosaceae. It is a low, perpetual herb with sprinters. The leaves are compound in three flyers, splendid green, and with toothed edge. The blooms are white, with five petals, forming into a sweet red false or total organic product which is ordinarily called the strawberry. The plant is vegetatively engendered by sprinters.

Restorative utilize:

* Binds tissues and advances the free stream of pee.
* Chronic looseness of the bowels.
* Abnormal develop of minerals in the body, kidney sicknesses, intestinal worms, pneumonic
   aggravation of the mucous layers or catarrh, gout, joint inflammation, jaundice, liver and stomach
* Bladder stones.
* Indigestion.
* Anemia.

The most effective method to utilize:

* The tea of the leaves has the property of restricting tissues and advancing the free stream of pee.
* The tea is additionally utilized for unending the runs. The root likewise has the equivalent                    therapeutic property.
* The natural product is significant in instances of analytics or the anomalous develop of minerals in     the body, kidney sicknesses, intestinal worms, pneumonic catarrh, gout, joint inflammation,                 jaundice, liver and stomach issues.
* In the treatment of bladder stones, the juice of the new strawberry is taken before breakfast. It
   assuages torments and avoids improvement of new stones.
* The organic product is additionally prescribed for acid reflux or dyspepsia.
* It has great antianaemic properties.

Parts utilized:

The entire plant.

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