Sacred Fig Tree

The Holy Fig Tree or Pipal has a place with the plant family Moraceae or Ulticaceae. Like the Banyan Tree, this tree additionally develops to a tallness of more than 30 meters. Be that as it may, it has just a couple of thin prop roots. The Pipal is a standout amongst the most consecrated tree of the Hindus and Buddhists. Usually planted in the region of sanctuaries and holy places. Like most individuals the family Ficus, the tree has a smooth latex. The heart molded leaves with reticulate venation are 10-18 cm. long and have long petioles. The leaf summit has a direct lanceolate tail which is half as long as the leaf sharp edge. The bark of the tree is smooth and light dark in shading. The blossoms inside the repository are exceptionally small and immaterial. The natural products are green and smooth when unripe and dark or purple when ready.

Therapeutic utilize:

* Diabetes and ailments of the nerves.
* Bubbles, mumps and pustules.
* Obstruction.
* Ear infection.
* Consumes and swellings.
* Draining heaps.
* Enhancement of the composition.

Step by step instructions to utilize:

* For diabetes and ailments of the nerves, drench some pounded bark in a glass of water medium-         term. Channel and drink the filtrate early morning for a couple of days.
* For bubbles, mumps and pustules, take the pipal leaf and smear it with elucidated spread or ghee         and warm marginally over an exposed fire. Apply over the influenced parts when it is tepid.
* To assuaged obstruction, dry another pipal leaves in the shade. Powder them alongside 1-2                   tablespoon of anis seeds. Include a little jaggery and water and fold into pills. Take 2-3 pills with         warm drain or water before going to bed each night.
* For ear infection, warm some squashed bits of the bark in mustard oil. Strain and utilize this oil as       ear drops.
* For consumes and swellings, apply a glue of the powdered bark locally.
* For draining heaps, take 1-2 teaspoons of dried leaf powder with warm water.
* To enhance composition, blend some bark powder with gram powder (Cicer arietinum) in                   equivalent amounts and utilize this set up on cleanser for purifying the face and hands.

Parts utilized:

Bark and clears out.

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